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Gaveika, Artūrs, Docent, Dr.iur. Rezekne Academy of Technologies, Rezekne
Gaveika, Artūrs, Rezekne Academy of Technologies
Gavinolla, Mahender Reddy, Guest Lecturer at Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences, Valmiera, Latvia & Assistant Professor at National Institute of Tourism & Hospitality Management
Gavrina, Elena, <p>Academy of Law and Management of the Federal Penal Service of Russia</p><p>Administration of the Federal Penitentiary Service", Ryazan</p>
Gavrov, Sergei, <p>Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow<strong></strong></p>
Gawryluk, Dorota, Bialystok University of Technology, <span style="font-size: medium; font-family: &quot;Times New Roman&quot;, serif;">Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, </span><br /><br />
Gaydarov, Valentin, Faculty Transport management, University of Transport<br />
Gazdík, Dávid, Catholic University in Ružomberok
Gecheva, Katia, State Agency “Архиви” Gabrovo Department
Gedrimė, Lina, Klaipeda University, Republic Klaipeda Hospital, Klaipeda State University of Applied Sciences
Gedrime, Lina, University of Turku, Finland; Klaipeda University, Lithuania; Republic Klaipeda Hospital
Gehtmane-Hofmane, Ilona, Riga Stradiņš University
Gehtmane-Hofmane, Ilona, <p>University of Latvia</p>
Gehtmane-Hofmane, Ilona, Institute of Public Health, Riga Stradiņš University
Gehtmane-Hofmane, Ilona, Riga Stradins University, Public Health Institute
Gejdošová, Zuzana, <p>Assistant Professor with PhD. at The Catholic University in Ruzomberok,  Faculty of Education, Lifelong Learning Center</p>
Gelbūdienė, Edita, SMK University of Applied Social Sciences, Kaunas
Gelbūdienė, Edita, Kaunas University of Technology
Geleziniene, Renata, Siauliai University
Geležiniene, Renata, <p>Šiauliai University</p>
Generalov, Viktor, Samara State Technical University, Institute of Architecture and Civil Engineering
Generalova, Elena, Samara State Technical University, Institute of Architecture and Civil Engineering
Genese-Plaude, Inta, <span>Liepājas Universitāte, Daugavpils Universitāte</span>
Georgiev, Borislav, <p>Faculty of mechanical and precision engineering, Technical University Gabrovo</p>
Georgiev, Borislav, Technical University of Gabrovo
Georgiev, Georgi, Department of Communications Equipment and Technologies, Technical University of Gabrovo
Georgiev, Ivan, Institute of Metal Science, Equipment and Technologies with Centre of Hydroaerodynamics “Acad. A. Balevski”, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Georgiev, Kliment, Mechanical and Istrument Engineering, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Technical University of Sofia, branch Plovdiv
Georgiev, Kliment, Technical University of Sofia, branch Plovdiv, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering; Department: Mechanical and Instrument Engineering
Georgiev, Victor Boykov, Bulgaria University of Transport, „Technique and construction technologies in transport“ Faculty<em><br /></em><br />
Georgieva, Teodora, Rakovski National Defence College, Defense Advanced Research Institute
Georgieva, Veska Atanasova, dept. Agrometeorology, BAS-NIMH
Gerasimenko, Petr, <p>Emperor Alexander I St. Petersburg State Transport University</p>
Gerasimova, Rosalia, <span><span><span><span><span lang="EN-US">North-Eastern Federal University in Yakutsk</span><br /><br /></span></span></span></span>
Gerasimova, Rozalia, Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "M. K. Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University"
Gerasymchuk, Igor, <p class="Author">Faculty of Energy and Information Technologies, Higher educational institution «Podillia State University»</p>
Gerasymenko, Petr, Emperor Alexander I St. Petersburg State Transport University
Gerbreders, V. I., Daugavpils University
Gerbreders, Vjaceslavs, G. Liberts' Innovative Microscopy Centre, Daugavpils University
Gerka, Vladimír, Prešovská univerzita v Prešove
Gerulaitiene, Egle, <span>Šiauliai University</span>
Gerulaitienė, Eglė, Siauliai University
Gerulaitienė, Eglė, <p>Vytautas Magnus University</p> <p>Šiauliai University</p>
Gerulaitis, Darius, Department of Social Welfare Study and Physical Education
Geske, Andrejs, Institute of Educational Research Faculty of Education, Psychology and Art University of Latvia
Geske, Andrejs, <p>Latvijas Universitāte</p>
Geske, Andrejs, University of Latvia
Geske, Rita, P.Stradins Medical College of the University of Latvia
Getmančuks, Edgars, Latvian Academy of Sport Education
Gevorgianiene, Violeta
Gevorkyan, Artur, <p>Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, Moscow</p>
Ghalot, Risham Singh, Engineering Faculty Rezekne Academy of Technology Rezekne
Ghalot, Risham Singh, Faculty of Engineering, Rezekne Academy of Technology
Giatrakou, Andromachi, <p>Med in Special Education, Member of Scientific Team of Include</p>
Gierczuk, Dariusz, University of Physical Education, Warsaw, Branch in Biala Podlaska
Gil, Alina, <p>Jan Długosz University in Częstochowa</p> <p> </p>
Gil, Alina, Jan Dlugosz University in Czestochowa
Gil, Alina, Faculty of Science and Technology, Jan Dlugosz University in Czestochowa
Ginavičienė, Jurgita, Lecturer from Lithuania, Vilnius College of Technologies and Design
Ginavičienė, Jurgita, <p>Head of Business and Public Management Department at  Vilnius College of Technologies and Design, Lithuania</p><p> </p>
Ginavičienė, Jurgita, Lecturer from Vilnius College of Technologies and Design
Ginavičienė, Jurgita, Vilnius College of Technology and Design<br />
Ginavičienė, Jurgita, Lecturer from Lithuania, Vilnius College of Technologies and Design
Ginavičienė, Jurgita, Vilnius College of Technologies and Design (Lithuania)
Gintaute-Marihina, Ruta, Riga Technical University
Gintere, Ērika, Liepaja University
Gintere, Ieva, Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences
Gintere, Ieva, Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences, Dr.art., asoc.prof.
Gintere, Ilona, Riga Stradiņš University
Gitan, Ali, Department of Mechanical Engineering Equipment and Technologies, Technical University of Gabrovo
Giyasova, Umida, Head of department, Head scientific methodological center
Giyasova, Umida, Scientific methodological center
Gjerlow, Eirik, <p>Department of Construction, Energy and Material Technology, The Arctic University of Norway</p>
Gladchenko, Victor, Faculty of Telecommunications and management, University of Telecommunications and Post <br /><em> <br /> </em>
Glińska, Ewa, Bialystok University of Technology
Glińska, Ewa, Bialystok University of Technology, Faculty of Management
Glowacki, Szymon, Institute of Mechanical Engineering, Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW
Glushenko, Olga, Pskov State University
Glušņova, Jeļizaveta, Institute of Energy Systems and Environment, Riga Technical University
Gnutova, Natalya, <p>Kyiv University Boris Grinchenko</p> <p> </p>
Goba, Līva, University of Latvia<br />
Goba, Liva, liva.goba@rsu.lv
Gode, Ina, Latvian Agricultural University
Gode, Ina, <p>Latvia University of Agriculture</p>
Gode, Ina, <p>Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies</p>
Godunov, Igor, <p>Institute of legislation and comparative law under the Government of the Russian Federation</p>
Gogolin, Olimpia, University of Silesia in Katowice
Goldmanis, Māris, University of Latvia, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology
Golikova, Oksana, <p><em>Institute of Social and Humanitarian Technologies NTU KhPI, </em><em>National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”</em></p>
Goljandin, Dmitri, <p>Tallinn University of Technology, Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Research and Testing Laboratory of Materials Recycling</p>
Golosovsky, I., Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute named by B.P. Konstantinov of NRC «Kurchatov Institute»
Golovina, Lyubov, Pskov state University
Golubovs, Rudolfs, Riga Technical University<br />
Gómez-Ullate García de León, Martín, University of Extremadura
González, Manuel Joaquín Fernández, <em>University of Latvia</em>
González, Manuel J Fernández, Scientific institute of Pedagogy, Department of Education, Psychology and Arts, University of Latvia
Gora, Tomasz, Jan Dlugosz University of Czestochowa
Goranova, Sylvia, Technical University of Sofia
Gorbovy, Oleg, Faculty of Energy and Information Technologies, Higher educational institution «Podillia State University»
Gorbunovs, Aleksandrs, Riga Technical University, Distance Education Study Centre

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