A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z All


Ignatjevs, Olegs, <p>Bc.phil., Assistant of the Military and Physical Training Department, State Border Guard College of the Republic of Latvia</p>
Ignatjevs, Olegs, Mg.soc.sc., Lecturer of the Military and Physical Training Department, State Border Guard College, Rezekne, Latvia
Ignatjevs, Olegs, <p>Bc.phil., Assistant of the Military and Physical Training Department,</p> State Border Guard College of the Republic of Latvia
Ignatova, Natalija, Kaunas University of Technologies
Ignatovica, Agate, Rezekne Academy of Technologies
Ignatsson, Jan, GNJ&amp;PM International
Igonin, Dmitry, Baltic International Academy, Department of Psychology, Scientific Supervisor, The Chairman of the Qualification Commission of  Bachelor's and Master's Theses <br />
Igonin, Dmitry, Baltic International Academy
Ihnatova, Olena, <p>Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University, Vinnytsia</p>
Ilchenko, Serhii, <span lang="UK">Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University</span>
Ilcheva, Maria, Department of National Security, St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Tarnovo
Ile-Jokste, Baiba, RSU Red Cross Medical College
Iliasova, Yuliia, Vinnytsia Medical College<br />
Ilienko, Olena, O.M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy
Ilienko, Olena, <p>Department of Foreign Philology and Translation, O.M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy</p><p> </p>
Iliev, Dimitar, Faculty of Technical Sciences, Konstantin Preslavski University of Shumen<br /> <br />
Iliev, Georgi, dept. Power Engineering, Technical University of Gabrovo
Iliev, Georgi, Department Power Engineering Technical University of Gabrovo
Iliev, Georgi, dept. Power Engineering, Technical University of Gabrovo<em></em>
Iliev, Georgi, <p class="Author">dept. Power Engineering, Technical University of Gabrovo</p><em> <br /> </em>
Iliev, Nikolay, Security and Defense Faculty, Vasil Levski National Military University
Iliev, Rosen, <p class="Author">Bulgarian Defense Institute, „Professor Tsvetan Lazarov“</p> <br /><p class="Author"> </p>
Iliev, Rosen, <p class="Author">Bulgarian Defense Institute, „Professor Tsvetan Lazarov“</p><em> <br /> </em>
Iliev, Totyo, Department of Electric Power Supply and Equipment, Technical University of Gabrovo
Ilieva, Mariana, <p class="Author">Department of Materials Science and Technology, “Angel Kanchev” University of Ruse</p>
Ilin, Evgeniy, International Scientific Center of Thermophysics and Energetic Limited Liability Company, Novosibirsk
Iliško, Dzintra, Daugavpils University
Iliško, Dzintra, <p><span class="st">Daugavpils University, Latvia</span></p>
Iļjina, Svetlana, Rezekne Academy of Technologies
Iljina, Svetlana, Rezekne nAcademy of Technologies
Ilyin, Alexander, Department of Electric Drive and Automation Systems, Pskov State University
Ilyin, Alexander, Department of Electric Drive and Automation Systems, Pskov State University<br /> <br />
Ilyin, Alexander, Pskov State University<br />
Ilyin, Alexander, Electric drive and automation systems department, Pskov State University (Russian Federation)
Ilyin, Alexander, Department of Electric Coupling and Automation Systems Pskov State University Pskov
Ilyin, Alexander, Pskov State University
Ilyin, Alexander, Pskov State University, Department of Electric Power, Electric Drive and Automation Systems
Ilyina, Lilia, Pskov State University
Imber, Viktoriia, Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsyubynskyi State Pedagogical University
Imber, Viktoriia, Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University
Immurs, Dāvis Valters, University of Latvia, Faculty of Geography and Earth Sciences
Indrasiene, Valdone, Mykolas Romeris University, Institute of Educational Science and Social Work, prof.
Indrašienė, Valdonė, prof.dr.
Indrašienė, Valdonė, Mykolas Romeris University
Indrašienė, Valdonė, Professor at Institute of Educational Sciences and Social Work, Mykolas Romeris University
Indriksons, Alens, <p>State Border Guard College</p>
Indriksons, Alens, Rezekne Academy of Technologies
Indriuniene, Vinga, Lithuanian Sports University
Ionova, Olena Nikolaevna, <pre>Kharkov National Pedagogical University named after G.S. Skovoroda</pre><br />
Irbe, Inese, Institute of Life Sciences and Technology, Daugavpils University
Irbe, Martins, Institute of Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering, Riga Technical University
Irbite, Andra, University of Latvia
Irbīte, Andra
Irbite, Andra, University of Latvia, PhD candidate Latvian Design Council, member Latvian Designers Society, member of the board
Irbite, Andra, <p>University of Latvia, Latvian Designers Society</p>


Īriste, Sandra, Latvia University of Agriculture


Isakova, Jelena, <span>Riga<span> </span>Teacher Training and Educational Management Academy </span>
Ishchenko, Lіudmуla, Department of artistic disciplines, preschool and elementary education, Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University
Iskra, Svitlana, <p class="a2">Communal Higher Education Institution</p> "Vinnytsia Humanities Pedagogical College"
Ismadiyarov, Yashin, Tashkent State Pedagogical University
Ismadiyarov, Yashin, Ташкентский государственный педагогический университет
Ismoyilov, Bakhtiyor, Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies <strong><br /></strong><br />
Isomov, Ismoil, Head scientific methodological center
Israilova, Nodira, <span lang="RU">Republican Center for the Social adaptation of children</span>
Istomin, Anatoly, <p class="Author">Pskov State University<strong>, </strong>Central Forest State Nature Biosphere Reserve</p>
Istomin, Anatoly, Pskov State University; Natural Sciences, Medical and Psychological Education Faculty; Central Forest State Nature Biosphere Reserve
Istomina-Fatkulina, Natalja, Vilnius University
Isyanov, Ravil, <span lang="RU">Ташкентский государственный педагогический университет</span>
Isyanova, Alfia, Ташкентский государственный педагогический университет
Isyanova, Alfiya, Tashkent State Pedagogical University
Iukhno, Artem, State Hydrological Institute (SHI) Saint Petersburg
Iukhno, Artem, Russian Federal State Budgetary Organization “State Hydrological Institute” (SHI) 199053 Russian Federation, St. Petersburg, Vasilyevsky Island, 2nd line, 23
Iukhno, Artem, Russian State Hydrological Institute (SHI)
Iukhno, Artem, State Hydrological Institute (SHI)
Iurina, Maria, Samara State Technical University
Ivakh, Svitlana, Drohobych State Pedagogical University named after Ivan Franko
Ivakh, Svitlana, Drohobych Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University
Ivanchenko, Ievgeniia, Military Academy (Odessa)
Ivanchuk, Anna, Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University
Ivane, Madara, Liepaja University
Ivanenko, Lyudmila, Kharkiv National University named after V. N. Karazin
Ivaniga, Orina, Semen Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics
Ivaņinoka, Ieva, <p>Latvian Maritime academy</p>
Ivanov, Artjom, <p>Krimas Federālā universitāte</p>
Ivanov, Dimo Anastasov, <p class="Author">Land force Chair, Command and Staff Faculty, Rakovski National Defence College</p>
Ivanov, Evgeniy, Faculty of Fire Safety and Civil Protection, Academy of the Ministry of Interior<p class="Author"> </p>
Ivanov, Georgi Borisov, dept. Agricultural Mechanization, Agricultural University
Ivanov, Ivan, <p class="Author">FIT, Laboratory “CAD/CAM/CAE in Industry”, Technical University Sofia</p>
Ivanov, Ivan, <p class="Author">Defence Institute "Professor Tsvetan Lazarov"</p>
Ivanov, Ivan S., Dep. CIS, Vasil Levski National Military University
Ivanov, Ivan, <p class="Author">Faculity of Mathematics and Informatics, Plovdiv University “Paisii Hilendarski”</p>
Ivanov, Ivan, <p class="Author"><span lang="EN-US">FIT, Laboratory “CAD/CAM/CAE in Industry”, Technical University </span></p>
Ivanov, Ivan, C4I Systems Development Directorate, Defence Institute “Prof. Tsvetan Lazarov”
Ivanov, Jordan Shterev, National Military University „Vasil Levski“, Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria
Ivanov, Krasimir Marinov, Technical University of Gabrovo
Ivanov, Peter, “CENTROMET” JSC
Ivanov, Peter, <p>“CENTROMET” JSC<em><br /> <br /> </em></p>
Ivanov, Stefan, Automation, Information and Control Systems, Technical University of Gabrovo<em><br /> <br /> </em>
Ivanov, Viktor, <span lang="EN-GB">Odessa National Polytechnic University</span>
Ivanova, Daria, <p><em>Pskov State University</em></p> <p><em> </em></p>

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